Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Social Psychology Discussion A

Social Psychology Discussion A

Q Week 1 - Initial Discussion Posting (300+ words): Thinking about thoughts and perception, provide a detailed response to the following question: how do we think about others, and how do they think about us? Consider what factors (both internal and external) may influence these thoughts and how easily (or not so easily) these thoughts are formed.

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Thinking about how others think, is a common human behavior. People often in a social situation, want to understand the reason for the different behaviors of the others. Sometimes this can lead to the habit of thinking and trying to find out what others think about them. Here the concept of looking-glass self is important to mention. How we think about others is also dependent upon the fact that how much others are responsible of the fact that the others are responsible for them (Steward, Narus, & Roehm, 2018).